Friday, 16 April 2010

I Love Volcanos

Having our beautiful Skye skies free from contrails is wonderful. I can't help thinking how much we would gain from a much reduced air travel industry. I can live without beans from Kenya (although perhaps the Kenyans need the trade, hmm), I don't wish to go to Thailand or Mexico, if I want to go to Europe I can go on a boat.

I'm sure I'm not alone.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Rubbish - on Various Levels

Don't get me wrong, the holiday makers are great. They bring in cash & create employment. I know, you can here a 'but' coming here can't you? Yes, there is a but...why is it that at Easter, just when the tourists start to fill up the roads there is a huge rise in the amount of discarded pop bottles, coffee cups and food wrappers on the sides of our roads?

Why would you come on holiday to a spectacular and beautiful place and then dump your rubbish out of the car window? I know it can't be locals because we just don't see the rubbish during the winter. OK there is a little bit, but it's very sparse. I just can't understand the mental process that must happen. I keep asking myself, is it me? Does no one else see it? But I know that cannot be true.

So, message for today, if you just happen to be reading this (though I doubt you will be) and are considering throwing your plastic bottle out of your car window as you drive round Skye - then please don't. And if there is a bald, beardy bloke in a big green pick up behind you - just don't! I'm watching, waiting.

My other rubbish gripe. Sea-bourne rubbish. The amounts of rubbish which wash ashore at Camasunarie are staggering. I hate to point fingers but most of it clearly comes from fishing boats. Yes, I know stuff gets washed off the deck, I know gear gets lost but not that much surely? Oh, and milk cartons - holy do so many milk cartons get into the sea?

Just some of the enormous pile of junk recently gathered from Camasunarie. It's heart breaking. But the good news is that now, as you come over the hill, the hillside and beach are far less littered. Let's try and keep it that way.

So, message number two. If you are at sea or near the sea, please don't chuck stuff in, make sure gear is secure and retrieve anything you happen across. The planet will be very relieved!

Rant over, thanks for reading.