Monday 6 February 2012

Just Wonderful

A morning spent out on the hill looking for wildlife and getting paid for it. Glorious shirt sleeves weather. Can life get any better?

Friday 3 February 2012

Home Weekend

Fetched my boy back from school for the weekend. Lovely to have him home. It's very hard this boarding lark - for us I mean, he's having a whale of a time!

Not a good driving day, huge amounts of ice on flushes from moorland/woods. Chipped windscreen, hit a woodcock, almost hit a hind, huge bill for a service. Hey ho.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Eagle Cam!

This afternoon spent trying to locate deer carcass in order to set up trail camera. The intention is to capture photos of white tailed and golden eagles feeding on the carcass.

Unfortunately could not locate carcass even with the help of the dog...who is usually mustard at finding beasts. Very cold wind, sweating heavily due to not being fully fit after Lyme episode, chilled to the bone. Ridgeline smock very wind and waterproof but not very breathable. Yet to find the ideal jacket...might have to look at Paramo.