Sunday 15 July 2012

Lyme and other tales of the countryside.

Well, final course of antibiotics finished. I wasn't really expecting much but wow...the shooting pains have eased. just left with stiffness in the joints and the odd twinge. More than I could have hoped for. Can't stress it enough folks, make sure you check for ticks when you've been rolling around in the woods. Know the signs and the symptoms and get treated EARLY!

Passed my chainsaw assessment...the instructor used the phrase 'impressive knowledge' of my acomplice and myself...was he really talking about us?

Bird life this year still continues to astound. More grouse chicks this year than I've ever seen here before. So many siskins (and don't they get baitey!), chaffinches, goldfinches and the tit triumvirate. Wildflowers too are incredible. Seeing stuff this year that I've never seen before. Of particular note are the pyramidal orchids.

Nice drop of rain today. We are so in need of it after about 9 weeks without significant rainfall.

Writing seems to be getting a little easier (especially since Lyme induced brain fog is clearing). Archie Hunter continues past 40,000 words. Have decided (with the help of the wonderful Emma) to write under a pen name - E C Hunter. Hopefully it will create an air of mystery and 'is he, do you think?'. Still no title as yet, hopefully something will fall from the text when I re-read it.

Have been asked to read at the Reading Room. Will read first chapter of Ben book...would have to do a Scots accent if I read Archie and that might proove a tad embarrasing.

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