Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Elf and Safety!

A salutory lesson in making sure your PPE is up to standard. I've been working with a rusty old chainsaw helmet visor for a while now. It's battered and slightly holey but what the heck. Yesterday, while snedding a larch I'd just felled a splinter flew off, straight through the visor and got stuck under my eye lid. Cripes I said, that jolly hurts.

After a number of abortive attempts to clean my eye I took myslef off to casualty. The larger bit had come away by the time I was seen but they washed the debris out and found that it had left an ulcer on my eye. So now I've got a patch for two days and some antibiotics.

So, lesson learned - don't take chances with your gear!

Mind you, I now have unlimited opportunities to do pirate impressions.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The Almost Conquering Heroes!

Well done the Elgol Primary quiz team. After a stiff competition with some real stinky questions our four valliant warriors have made it through to the next round! Portree A cam out as clear winners but there was a tie for second place. The tension during the sudden death tie break between Elgol and Staffin was amazing, parents all now on Beta Blockers.

So, we're all off to Dingwall soon and in the mean time, there will be no frivoloity, just reading reference books between now and then.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

New Head Teacher Needed!

As the deadline for applications draws near I thought I'd give a little reminder about our need for a new head teacher. Here's the link:

And here's another view from the school:

Saturday, 20 March 2010

And once again!

Well, here we are at Saturday and it's seems like we've had a penny a litre on fuel every day this week. Today it's 122.9.

I'm going to get a pony.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Yet again....

Another day, another price rise. Diesel today is 121.9.

Thank heavens for Nissan who have announced hat they are to start production of an electric car in the UK.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Price of Fuel - AGAIN!!

The price of diesel in Broadford this morning was 120.9ppl.

I went into the Coop and bought veg oil at 93ppl instead.

These prices cannot continue.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Keeping Warm in Older Houses

First in an occasional series about how we are trying to make an older stone built house a more pleasant place to live and to reduce our carbon footprint. In the future we hope to be installing retro-fit wall insulation and an ultra modern wood fired heating system. So far we have insulated the loft - here's what we learned:

One of the problems with older houses, especially stone-built houses is their failure to conform to modern standards of efficiency. In a quest to improve this we are currently engaged in a number of improvements which should see us warm and cosy through next winter as well as costing us much less and reducing our carbon footprint considerably.
The first and easiest task took us to the roof space to improve the loft insulation. The old loft insulation was very threadbare and rather patchy, indeed, there were some parts of the loft with no cover at all. What existing insulation there was consisted of ancient rockwool type which was beginning to de-nature and was nowhere deeper than 50mm. This was covered with a layer of dust and vermin droppings.
The loose fibres and dust make a good quality respirator essential. Other essentials for putting new loft insulation in an old house: a pair of big, sharp scissors, overalls and illumination (I found a head torch to be the most useful). A few boards are also very useful and knee pads make the job much more comfortable. If you don’t like cobwebs in your hair, wear a hat!
Tip of the day – put a large dust sheet under your ladder – the amount of mess which falls from the hatch is remarkable!
When installing, apart from it being a pretty unpleasant job, there are very few pitfalls. The two main things to watch out for are the electrics and airflow.
To make sure your electrics stay safe all cables must be put on top of the insulation and that you cut around light fittings to allow any heat to escape. If the cable is too tight to get the roll of insulation under simply cut the roll at the cable and start rolling out again.
Airflow is critical in an older house so that you don’t get a build up of moisture. Make sure your insulation roll end does NOT but up to the roof. Always leave a gap to allow air from the walls to circulate. If you don’t, extreme cases can lead to dry rot.
It’s not complicated, even if it is hard on the knees and it makes an instant difference to your comfort levels and fuel bills. Insulate your loft today, there are a number of grant schemes running and some very good offers at the major DIY stores.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

And now it's 119.9!

I'm off to Ebay to buy filtering equipment for used veg oil!

Monday, 8 March 2010

Price of Fuel

Yet again the price of fuel has gone up here on Skye. Diesel is now at 118.9ppl.

I know we have to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels but until someone comes up with a realistic alternative for the everyday world we are stuck with diesel and petrol. Can we therefore have it at a price which is affordable?

As soon as a hydrogen or electric double cab four wheel drive pick-up is available I'll be first in the queue but until then...

By the way, my pick-up is not a lifestyle thing. I need the seats for the school run, the back for carrying ladders, firewood, tools, dead deer, dogs etc and four wheel drive to get to remote locations (if you want to see what four wheel drive really means come with me) and hauling trailers.

Friday, 5 March 2010

We need a new Head Teacher!

Our wee school (20 pupils) in Elgol on the Isle of Skye needs a new teaching head. After 20 years our current head retires - and she'll be a hard act to follow. So, if you think looking out of the window and seeing this from your classroom might be nice then have a look at the job description here:

Elgol Primary is a very special little school, the children are wonderful and the parents very supportive, if you've got what it takes, have a look at the ad!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

It's still blinking freezing here. Ground is still hard as rocks, the gritters still ply the road and I can't get any painting done as the temperature doesn't rise above freezing most of the time. Still, as each frozen day goes by another million midgies meet their maker! Hah!

Well on the way to getting the new and improved Wildpeople up and running ( we're not quite there but it should be very soon. Just waiting for the hosting company to sort out their php (no, I don't know what it means either).

H is still fizzing about his offer of a place at a very prestigious school - all we have to do now is find a way of funding it. So, if there are any philanthropists out there who would be willing to put a very enthusiatic boy through the best education imagainable, well, we're all ears (trying not to grovel).

Off to look at some window frames! Hey-ho, the world of high finance must wait.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


Well, it seems like the loft insulation has made a difference, as too have the bits I've placed between the radiators and the walls. Even so, we are still golloping heating oil like crazy and can't wait to get on to a wood fired system.

The news today featured an item about loans for eco-friendly heating. I'm going to investigate further this evening. The last quote we got for putting in a flue system was over £3000!!

School Matters

At long last and with the help and forbearance of Ali next door we can now access the internet again - phew!

A long parents forum meeting today, lots of useful stuff. Main topic of discussion was our current head's replacement. Interviews will be held in the spring. So if you just happen to be reading this and would like to be a teaching head in the wonderful little community of Elgol on the Isle of Skye, keep an eye on the Highland Council website for the advert. It should be coming out in the next week or so.