Thursday 4 March 2010

It's still blinking freezing here. Ground is still hard as rocks, the gritters still ply the road and I can't get any painting done as the temperature doesn't rise above freezing most of the time. Still, as each frozen day goes by another million midgies meet their maker! Hah!

Well on the way to getting the new and improved Wildpeople up and running ( we're not quite there but it should be very soon. Just waiting for the hosting company to sort out their php (no, I don't know what it means either).

H is still fizzing about his offer of a place at a very prestigious school - all we have to do now is find a way of funding it. So, if there are any philanthropists out there who would be willing to put a very enthusiatic boy through the best education imagainable, well, we're all ears (trying not to grovel).

Off to look at some window frames! Hey-ho, the world of high finance must wait.

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