Wednesday 24 March 2010

Elf and Safety!

A salutory lesson in making sure your PPE is up to standard. I've been working with a rusty old chainsaw helmet visor for a while now. It's battered and slightly holey but what the heck. Yesterday, while snedding a larch I'd just felled a splinter flew off, straight through the visor and got stuck under my eye lid. Cripes I said, that jolly hurts.

After a number of abortive attempts to clean my eye I took myslef off to casualty. The larger bit had come away by the time I was seen but they washed the debris out and found that it had left an ulcer on my eye. So now I've got a patch for two days and some antibiotics.

So, lesson learned - don't take chances with your gear!

Mind you, I now have unlimited opportunities to do pirate impressions.

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