Since leaving home and entering the world of work and
marriage, my step son and his friend (who we’ll call L & R) have slowly but
surely become urbanised, I don’t mean that they have become clueless townies,
just that their lives are lived in the terrifying conurbations of Oxford and
London respectively. Having watched both of them grow up in the countryside, it
was sad to see the change when they brought their respective wives and babies
up to visit over the New Year.
While chatting they both expressed a desire to experience
highland stalking. A few phone calls later and I had cooked up a day out for
them with a local professional stalker. I thought it would be better for them
to go out with someone else, they would probably gain far more than if they
just followed me around my patch. One of my better ideas as it turned out.
Dawned the great day and they were kitted out in a motley
assortment of my oversized gear and their own Royal Marine Reserves kit, we
took a couple of Tikkas belonging to the stalker plus my Mannlicher. Left over
Christmas cake was stuffed into pockets and we were off.
Very subtly D, (the stalker) wound us up a steep drag,
contriving pauses to look at things…but actually allowing us to regain our
breaths, it was beautifully done. At the top, D toddled off for a spy and left
us to drink in the view. Even though I’ve lived in the Highlands
for around 4 years now, it still takes my breath away. D came back shaking his
head, nothing to be seen, very unusual…it was clear that this man knew his
ground like I know my comfy chair.
A bit of a wander and we spied a few beasts. We got to
within 300m of them but D would not allow the guys to shoot. Much too far for
newcomers. A big old hind was slightly higher than the main group and had us
pinned down. As we watched, the low group started to graze towards us. I could
feel the tension from my young charges, see the rigidity and slight shiver in
their bodies…I knew they had become totally absorbed.
D decided that we should retreat and make our way to a
position where the old girl couldn’t spot us, then wait for the group to graze
into us. This we did and a long damp, cold wait followed. I was glad they
weren’t having it too easy! After an eternity, backs started appearing over the
closest ridge and the beasts wandered in at about 90m, perfect. A whispered
command, ‘shoot’. A shot from L. A beast fell. Got up, a shot from R. The hind
fell again, not a twitch.
The look on those faces will forever be imprinted in my
memory. Ear to ear grins doesn’t even begin to cover it. We reached the beast
and D gave them a full run down on it’s age and condition, the gralloch and too
much else to remember. Such a knowledgeable guy and a total Gentleman. If he’s
reading this he will know who he is and should know that he made those two youngsters
incredibly happy and also the perhaps more importantly, has made two complete
converts to the cause.
Oh, perhaps I should mention one more thing. My step son L
is a vegetarian. To see him walking off the hill bloodied and grinning was indeed
a proud moment for me.
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